Золото и валюта: прошлое и настоящее
Название: Золото и валюта: прошлое и настоящее Автор: Алмазова О.Л., Дубоносов Л.А. Издательство: Финансы и статистика Страниц 162 Размер: 15 mb Год: 1988 Формат: pdf Язык: Русский Прослежена эволюция внешнеэкономической роли золота и форм валютных курсов с древних времен до сегодняшнего дня. Рассмотрены причины выдвижения золота на роль денежного товара, описаны производство, потребление и рынки золота. Для научных работников, преподавателей и студентов экономических вузов. Снаряжение всадника и верхового коня на Руси IX-XIII вв
A History of Greece
Название: A History of Greece Издательство: Cambridge University Press Автор: George Grote Год: 2010 Количество страниц: 580 Формат: PDF Размер: 8 mb Язык: English Widely acknowledged as the most authoritative study of ancient Greece, George Grote's twelve-volume work, begun in 1846, established the shape of Greek history which still prevails in textbooks and popular accounts of the ancient world today. Grote employs direct and clear language to take the reader from the earliest times of legendary Greece to the death of Alexander and his generation, drawing upon epic poetry and legend, and examining the growth and decline of the Athenian democracy. The work provides explanations of Greek political constitutions and philosophy, and interwoven throughout are the important but outlying adventures of the Sicilian and Italian Greeks. Volume 5 deals with Greek history from the battle of Marathon through the Persian Wars and developments in Sicily down to the era of Perikles. Сверная экспедицiя. 1733 – 1743
Автор: Соколов А. П. Название: Сверная экспедицiя. 1733 – 1743 / Северная экспедиция. 1733 - 1743 Издательство: Санкт-Петербург (не указано) Год: 1851 Формат: pdf Размер: 120 Mb Количество страниц: 272 + иллюстрации Оглавление: В 1733-1743 годах правительством императрицы Анны Иоанновны была организована и успешно проведена Великая Северная экспедиция (называвшаяся также «Камчатской», «Беринговой второй» и «Академической» ) для исследования Северного морского пути, побережья Северного Ледовитого океана, а также Сибири и Дальнего Востока. Leonardos Lost Robots
Название: Leonardos Lost Robots Издательство: Springer Автор: Mark E. Rosheim Год: 2006 Количество страниц: 204 Формат: PDF Размер: 17 mb Язык: English This book reinterprets Leonardo da Vinci's mechanical design work, revealing a new level of sophistication not recognized by art historians or engineers. The book reinterprets Leonardo's legacy of notes, showing that apparently unconnected fragments from dispersed manuscripts actually comprise cohesive designs for functioning automata. Using the rough sketches scattered throughout almost all of Leonardo's notebooks, the author has reconstructed Leonardo's programmable cart, which was the platform for other automata. Through a readable, lively narrative, the author explains how he reconstructed da Vinci's designs. A Formula Book of English Official Historical Documents
Название: A Formula Book of English Official Historical Documents Издательство: Cambridge University Press Автор: Hubert Hall Год: 2010 Количество страниц: 192 Формат: PDF Размер: 2,5 mb Язык: English This 1908 work supplements Hall's Studies in English Official Historical Documents. It gives examples of a wide range of English diplomatic documents from the seventh to the nineteenth centuries. These are arranged according to type and purpose, the majority in Latin, but others in French or English. The intention is to assist the user of such archival materials, by familiarising them with the format and language used in each kind of document, and explaining why and how they were written. The 211 transcriptions were made by palaeography students at the London School of Economics, and classified and edited with extensive notes by Mr Hall. They are not literal transcriptions, as contractions have been expanded, and the punctuation and capitalisation modernised. To save space, standard formulas have not been repeated each time. Despite the lack of any illustrations of originals, the book filled a need long felt by students of history. Calais: An English Town in France, 1347-1558
Название: Calais: An English Town in France, 1347-1558 Издательство: Boydell Press Автор: Susan Rose Год: 2008 Количество страниц: 256 Формат: PDF Размер: 4 mb Язык: English The capture of Calais by Edward III was an exploit which, coming shortly after his victory at Crecy, carried his fame as a warrior to the furthest corners of Europe. The melodramatic incident at the end of the siege with the leading citizens pleading for their lives brought the king even more public notice. Equally well known is the sad remark of Mary Queen of England in 1558 that, following its loss to the French, the name of Calais would be graven on her heart. Міфы «адраджэнскай
Название: Міфы «адраджэнскай» гістарыяграфіі Беларусі
Автор: Марзалюк, І. А. Издательство: Магілёў : МДУ імя А. Куляшова Год: 2009 Страниц: 148 Язык: белорусский Формат: pdf Размер: 30 Mb В монографии рассматривается мифотворчество популяризаторов националистической версии белорусской истории. Представлены основные темы творцов белорусской фолк-хистори. The Vatican and Italian Fascism, 1929-32: A Study in Conflict
Название: The Vatican and Italian Fascism, 1929-32: A Study in Conflict Издательство: CUP Автор: John F. Pollard Год: 2005 Количество страниц: 256 Формат: PDF Размер: 7 mb Язык: English This is a study of relations between the Vatican and the Fascist regime in Italy in the most troubled and crucial phase of their relationship, the period 1929-32. It is the first time that any historian, either in Italy or elsewhere, has carried out a detailed and comprehensive study of the conflicts between the Vatican and Italian Fascism in these years; nor has there been any detailed analysis of the causes and the consequences of the crisis of 1931. As well as considering the various causes of conflict in this period, the author sets out what he believes to be the long-term consequences of the 1931 crisis, and in so doing challenges a number of previously accepted interpretations. Greek Athletics in the Roman World: Victory and Virtue
Название: Greek Athletics in the Roman World: Victory and Virtue Издательство: O U P Автор: Zahra Newby Год: 2005 Количество страниц: 329 Формат: PDF Размер: 10 mb Язык: English The enduring importance of Greek athletic training and competition during the period of the Roman Empire has been a neglected subject in past scholarship on the ancient world. This book examines the impact that Greek athletics had on the Roman world, approaching it through the plentiful surviving visual evidence, viewed against textual and epigraphic sources. It shows that the traditional picture of Roman hostility has been much exaggerated. Instead Greek athletics came to exercise a profound influence upon Roman spectacle and bathing culture. In the Greek east of the empire too, athletics continued to thrive, providing Greek cities with a crucial means of asserting their cultural identity while also accommodating Roman imperial power. |
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